Even the most beneficial of medical treatments cause some level of complications. In order to fully understand whether a treatment is worthwhile, all the potential benefits and all the known complications must be brought to light.
In 2025, a group of United Arab Emirates scientists screened thousands of articles in the medical literature and evaluated one-hundred-and-seventy-five in depth. Their report confirmed the linkage between mRNA COVID vaccines and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart), especially in boys and young men. More surprisingly, the scientists noted Takotsobu cardiomyopathy (a transient condition during which a person’s heart weakens and changes shape) in a small cohort of recipients of the vax. As opposed to post-vax myocarditis, post-vax Takotsobu cardiomyopathy was more likely to occur in girls and young women. Despite these risks, the researchers concluded, the benefits of the mRNA vaccine were so profound that they should still be widely recommended.
In 2022, a multinational team of scientists compared the complication rate after mRNA vax for coronavirus with the complication rate after influenza (flu) vax. The researchers determined that the cardiac (heart) complication rate after mRNA vax was higher than after a flu vax. On the other hand, the neurological complication rate after mRNA vax was lower than after a flu vax.
In 2024, Korean scientists reported on the rate of cardiac complications after mRNA vax. The researchers evaluated the medical records of those presenting to the emergency room and those who were hospitalized for pericarditis or myocarditis. Within a week of receiving mRNA vaccines, about two in every hundred people reported heart related symptoms (such as trouble breathing) and had abnormalities on heart tests (such as EKG and echocardiogram).
French physicians, in 2024, published a worrisome study. Out of more than four thousand people hospitalized with myocarditis between 2020 and 2022, the doctors attributed twelve percent of the cases to the mRNA COVID vaccine. That’s more than five hundred people who suffered from severe myocarditis due to the vax! Those with less severe myocarditis (not requiring hospitalization) weren’t included in the tally. What’s more, mRNA vax induced myocarditis sufferers were mostly young (average twenty five years old) and almost all male (eighty-four percent). At the end of the follow up period, a substantial proportion of those affected continued to require medications or medical procedures.
With all this in mind, it’s comforting to know that a multi-institutional group of American scientists have designed a study to better understand the relationship between the mRNA Vax and cardiac complications. Dubbed CAMP (COVID vaccine-associated myocarditis/pericarditis), the study (beginning in 2014) seeks to enroll a cohort of patients who developed myocarditis/pericarditis after the Pfizer-BioNTech Vax and compare them to a cohort who developed similar maladies after contracting the COVID virus.
I hope this update is informative.
If you’d like to learn about neurological complications after mRNA COVID vaccine, check out https://brain2mind.substack.com/p/neurological-complications-due-to