Sitemap - 2023 - From Brain to Mind

Social Media and a Deluge of Teenage Depression

Ketones may be the Key to unlocking a healthier brain

Picasso’s Blue and Red Cerebral Networks

Lazarus Dot: A Felix Hoenniker Medical Murder Mystery

A novel method to assess scoliosis

Poop transplant and Alzheimer's Disease

Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations on Criticism

of Paint and Pancakes

Albert Camus and the Brain Science of Burnout

Why are the dreams you remember are so surreal and irrational?

False memories

A splash of color (red) and brain activity

Guided Meditation: Get Your Three Brains In Sync

Delayed gratification is easier when the decisions lie in the misty future

Marcus Aurelius and the Brain Science of Criticism

Science behind acupuncture: Neiguan point

Lazarus Dot (last chapter): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

How to get your three brains in sync

Weekend Reading -- Until the Next Time

A splash of color (red) and brain activity

Lazarus Dot (chapter 8): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Gut Microbes and Autism

Lazarus Dot (chapter 7): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Is Peter Thiel Cornering the brain-computer interface market?

Lazarus Dot (chapter 6): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Make your brain’s Salience Network work for you.

Lazarus Dot (chapter 5): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Azazel's Public House

Lazarus Dot (chapter 4): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

The psychopathology of golf

Lazarus Dot (chapter 3): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Acupuncture and brain circuitry

Lazarus Dot (chapter 2): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

A cold plunge may get your three brains in sync

Lazarus Dot (chapter 1): A Felix Hoenniker medical murder mystery

Early warning for Parkinson's Disease

Ten deep breaths can get your cogitating neocortex in tune with your emotional limbic system and instinctive reptilian brain

Depression's Unholy Trinity

A Hike filled with Color and Sound is Mind Magic

A Brain Pacemaker may help fight obesity and compulsive behavior

What’s Better for your Brain: Coffee or Tea?

Protect your brain with a good night’s sleep

Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Weekend fiction- Rosemary's Baby

Brain magnets may help people suffering from depression New protocol makes it faster

Awake Brain Surgery and the latest on brain tumor treatment An interview with neurosurgeon Kevin Yao, MD

A work-life balance benefits your brain

Exercise and Parkinson’s disease

Brain benefits of mushrooms

A new spinal implant may improve mobility for paralyzed patients

FIRE fifties: be financially ready for you2.0

Weekend Reading: Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

One minute meditations: Get your three brains in sync

Autism Update

Billionaires betting on cyborgs

Bullet to the Brain: Chapter Five: Tangled up with Addie

New Research… Botox effects on the brain:

Weekend Reading: The Dead, James Joyce

Short Story Giveaway

The Gut Brain Axis and psychiatric disorders.

Neuroscience News roundup

A new study confirms: Social media may change your kid’s brain

Gamma is the greatest of brain waves

Be kind when you can. Be an asshole when you must

Your brain and the Ouroboros of time

The Mind Unlocked: Neurological, Nutritional and Behavioral Paths to Free Your Brain’s Potential

Treating mental health in the pediatric age range. Moving beyond drugs to a more holistic approach

Bullet to the Brain: Chapter Four: Fetching the Chemist

Buried by Facebook

Latest news about Azazel’s Public House

How do Herpes, Tea and Wine affect Alzheimer's Disease?

Machine learning and your brain

Bullet to the Brain: Chapter Three: With Friends Like These